Yeah, so it's been a while since a proper update. Lots to cover.
First off, as most of you are aware, Alan Fullbright passed away last Friday. It came as a shock to all of us. At this point, I'm not sure if what happened is known. Basically, he was teaching and passed out, never to come to again. 23 is just too young.
Although we had only spoken off-and-on over the last couple of years, I had always considered Alan a good friend. We could talk for hours about things like wrestling, sometimes to the chagrin of our teachers. There are loads of good memories, which I am thankful for. My heart goes out to his family at this time. Rest in peace, Alan.
It's been about a month since I went to Manchester for my reading week. Whilst I was there, Max came to visit. You can read about the adventures we had while visiting The Smiths and Morrissey related sites at
his blog. Also while I was back, Chris and I went to see Joan Rivers. I had never seen her doing stand-up apart from on television, although I knew her reputation. What can I say but, "whoa." Seriously, if you are even remotely offended by things, stay far away from Ms. Rivers. Otherwise, if you're like myself and Chris and possess a humor some might feel is cruel, then you'll love it. I went by the backstage area afterward and she was coming out so I got a quick autograph. I don't have a scanner here, but some day I'll put it up.
Trying to think what else has been up... I saw the Bloodhound Gang live again last Friday. I think I liked it better when I saw them in Manchester. The crowd here was just really annoying, almost as if this was the first night they'd ever been out. BHG still put on a good show, but I just wasn't in the mood for it I think as I had just heard about Alan. But it was good to hear some of their earlier songs like "You're Pretty When I'm Drunk," one song that I never thought I'd hear live.
Colt was in town last week for a couple of days, which was cool. It was weird seeing someone from back home over here. Weird, but obviously a nice thing. Ross made it over from Scotland with his girlfriend Veronique. It was so good to catch up! Ross and I hadn't really seen each other for a couple of years, although we had chatted briefly online a couple of times. It was also great to meet Veronique. She was so nice!
Hmmm... what else? Can't think of much right now, but if something comes to me, I'll just put it up here. I'm going to try and be a bit better about putting things on here from time to time, even if it's only a sentence or two. As a goodbye present, here's a Perry Como song that I only really just heard a little while ago. It's called "I Love You And Don't You Forget It." Click Mr. C to give it a listen:

Anyone who knows me well knows that Perry Como is pretty much my all-time favorite singer. Since my hard drive died in May, I lost all of the albums of his that I had on my computer, apart from two that I managed to find at Manchester library. I have a few boxsets back in Ellinwood, I just need to find a way to rip them while I'm over here. This stuff really reminds me of the holidays. It reminds me of coming home from KU, going into my room, pulling out the vinyls and just listening. Good memories. It also reminds me of the Christmas that Mom got me the video boxset. Even better memory! ;) Anyway, enough from me! Until next time...