It's been quite a weekend. The house has finally settled down and is cleaned up ready for John's return. It's a very somber day out. Need to leave in a few minutes for the gym, as I have work tonight at seven. Speaking of the gym, Friday night I got hit on by someone who had seen me at the gym earlier in the afternoon. I was at work, of all places... hah
The Den of Iniquity
Hello, my name is Jeff. Can I buy you a drink?
Monday, June 30, 2003
Saturday, June 28, 2003
John is away this weekend, so the house is extra quiet. Have worked the last few days and work tomorrow, so today is my day off. James, Michael, and Graeme are coming down from Scotland. Hadn't expected that, but it should be fun.
Have spent most of the day working on a photo gallery. I have so many pictures to share from this year, but I didn't have a way to display them effectively. That is, until now. I've been messing around with a PHP-based gallery program. It's looking good. Will post a link here when it's ready to be seen by the public. ;)
Thursday, June 26, 2003
Needed to go to Market Street but had to go by way of Albert Square. I'd never been in to the Town Hall, but I had heard that some buddhist monks were doing sacred sand art there this week. Since I had the time, I figured I would check it out. I'm glad I did; it was amazing! They had a pattern laid out on the floor that was probably 8-foot-by-8-foot. Onto the pattern, they were dropping literally GRAINS of colored sand at a time. The effort is so pain-staking, but at the end of the week when it's finished, they are going to destroy it. I guess in their religion, it shows the transitory nature of life. Well worth the time to see.
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
What a crazy weekend. Having worked Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday were no days of rest. Needless to say, I felt absolutely wrecked today. Didn't go to the gym, but I did put together some of my furniture that arrived.
Saw "Bruce Almighty" last night. Was surprised. Liked it better than I'd expected. One of the better comedies in recent memory.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Things have been busy. Michael and James came to visit on Saturday night and left Sunday afternoon. Had to work most of Monday. Went to IKEA for the first time yesterday and bought a flask. Saw Kosheen live last night. They were previewing their new album "Kokopelli." If the vibe of the live show translates even a tiny bit to the record, it should be a great one.
Need to go to the gym later. Might look for some new shoes as well.
Saturday, June 14, 2003
Have been busy with menial things today. Had to go to the store and get things for dinner for the next few days. Went to the gym and picked up my paycheck as well. Supposed to be meeting James and Michael for a drink tonight. They are coming down for Stirling, so that should be fun.
Last night, John and I went to see "Identity". I was impressed. I thought it would be just another cheesy murder-mystery. It was so much more. Definitely worth a look.
After we got back, we turned on the TV for a bit. ITV was showing a show about prostitues in Cheshire. John mentioned that the street looked familiar. That wouldn't be unusual, since he's lived in the area all of his life. Then I saw the Kwik-Save that's only a few blocks away and realized they were driving down the street that's not far from us... Crazy...
Still getting lots of lovely messages from Gregory Peck fans around the world. Also received lots of messages from people berating me for not updating the website fast enough. I wonder if these people realize that I'm not a company and don't do this for a living. hah
Can't let the nay-sayers discourage me. Heck, if I had all along, I wouldn't be in England. ;)
Friday, June 13, 2003
Have been at work all day. Just came home to hear the news about Greg. It's after 2:00AM here in England, I'm dog-tired after this shift, but will do my best to update the page. If not now, then in the morning. I would rather wait until then to say something that makes sense instead of blindly posting something now.
I will say that my heart goes out to Greg's family, friends and fans. He lived a long and good life. I'm sure he wouldn't want us to be sad right now. Instead, think of the joy he brought us all.
Thank you, Greg. xx
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Yesterday was my twenty-first birthday, and as it goes, it was pretty damn good. Had good dinner, good company and a good amount to drink. Final tally: a half-pint of bitter, two double-vodka Red Bulls, two gin and tonics, two shots of absinthe and a bottle of wine.
Not that he'll see this, but happy birthday to Rick today...
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Had the craziest thing happen at work tonight. A guy came in and sat at the bar that I swore I recognized. He looked just like Russell T. Davies, the creator of "Queer As Folk," among other shows. I really thought it was him, but I didn't want to ask anyone as I didn't want to sound like an idiot.
He sat there for a bit talking with the manager as I went about my other tasks. Some other people start to walk in, and as I look up, I realize it's the ENTIRE cast of "Queer As Folk." I managed not to play starstruck Kansas boy, but it was hard to stay cool while taking Craig Kelly's dessert order. :)
Monday, June 02, 2003
Have been working the last four days straight. Was only scheduled to work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but got called in on Saturday. Have totalled 28 1/2 hours in four days after working an eleven-hour shift yesterday. My tips in those days totalled nearly seventy pounds... So all in all, it's been fair.
Decided to use my day off to go see a few films. Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a big Steve Martin fan. Well, "Bringing Down the House" finally came out here this weekend. I loved it, especially since I thought it wouldn't be that good. It just "clicked" for me in so many ways. Also saw "Full Frontal." Didn't enjoy it nearly as much. It was just too complicated for its own good, being a movie-within-a-movie-within-a-movie sort of thing. Oh well, at least I finally saw it.
Other than that, just had a few cocktails on the way home. Have to work again tomorrow, so will probably go to the gym and pick up a new workshirt beforehand.