Thursday, July 25, 2002

Well, let's see... Monday I watched "All Over The Guy." It was a great film, worth checking out if you get the chance. Very funny and sweet. Also so "Trainspotting" again, as Michael hadn't seen it yet. Had to correct that, so what was I to do but watch it again myself?

Tuesday I drove (seriously, I did. By myself, even...) to Great Bend and saw "Reign of Fire." It was about what I expected. Nothing earth-shattering, but good summer fun.

Other than that, haven't been doing much. Working on re-doing the front part of the website right now. Been staying up and watching Anderson Cooper on Daybreak. Also got the hook-up for free feeds of Big Brother 3... So yeah, that's what I'm up to. Heading to Lawrence for a short stay starting Friday afternoon. 'Bout time I get out of this town, even if only for a few days.


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